Never Forget

Howdy all.  It’s been at least a month since we’ve talked.  There’s been a myriad of things I have wanted to talk about in that time, but today, I just want to remind everyone of the horrific attack on our country by Islamic Jihadists on 9/11/01.   2,977 of our fellow Americans lost their lives.  I can remember every minute of that day and where I was and how I drove my crew to my house and we sat in my basement and watched the scenes unfold on the news all day long.  I remember everyone asking if I would be going to war. (I assumed so, I wanted to, and I finally did 2 years later).  But, I remember  several things as clearly as if it happened yesterday.  I remembered the total anger I felt and the helplessness.  I remember the feeling of wanting to take the fight to the bastards that did this to us.  I also, remember watching the news that day, and some former Clinton aide blaming President G. W. Bush for it.  The President who had been in office for a whole 8 months. (yeah, even then the left were douche canoes).  I remember watching those towers fall and watching the bodies fall 100 stories and feeling so mad.  I remember how President Bush brought us all together.

Today, as I sat at Offutt Air Force Base for this years Chief Petty Officer training, I watched this years Selectees perform a 9/11 ceremony.  And as I sat there I realized how one of the most important events of our country that we claimed we would “never forget”, we have forgotten.  For the first few years after 9/11, we saw memorials, shows, even comic strips give homage to that fateful day.  We now have politicians, who claim it’s nothing more than ‘some people did something”, to CNN today saying white supremacists being a bigger threat to America.  But, being patriotic is not cool anymore.  Loving America is for fools.  Remembering those killed that day is for suckers.  So the day we promised to never forget, has gone by the wayside.  The day that dictated our national path for the last 18 years doesn’t mean shit to most Americans any more.  And I believe that the leftists want it that way.  They dislike Nationalism and patriotism.  So, I ask all of you to remember that day and all of our fellow Americans who died that day.  The fire fighters and policeman and ordinary citizens who performed extra ordinary tasks that day and gave their lives in the hopes that others would live.  While our MSM and country might forget that day , I ask that you do not.  An event that tried to kill us, should bring us together not only then, but forever more.

Until next time…

2 thoughts on “Never Forget”

  1. Really? I saw plenty of stories about 9/11 yesterday. There was a great newer show (at least I hadn’t seen it) about Bush being on AF1 that day and all the complications with communications within DC and getting back to the president. It was great info I had not heard much about.
    I had ABC news on at 5:30 and there were stories about 9/11 and the kicker story was about a firefighter whose remains were JUST found from the WTC. They presented his ashes to his widow, daughter, and son. (son and daughter were like 3 and 5 yrs old back then) Last shot of that story was his son in his Marine uniform saluting as they presented his ashes. Nearly brought a tear to my eye.


  2. Good I’m glad to hear that. When I woke up that morning, I switched to a couple ‘news’ type stations and didn’t see anything. When I got home about 8 pm, the only thing I saw was on Natgeo. I know my secretary said our work didn’t even put the flags to 1/2 mast. But, we did fly the rainbow flag for the entire month of June, so I guess we have our priorities straight.


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